Elevate Church - Honduras Mission Blog

On June 16, 2013 a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Grand Commission Church to build a home and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Another Trip to Remember

Sunrise over the Mission House in Choluteca, Honduras is a beautiful site.  The country is both breathtaking and heartbreaking all rolled together.  This was my 4th trip to Honduras, and every trip is as unique as the people you grow to love in just 8 short days.  Our team ranged in age from 18 to 69 with 5 men and 9 women. We had 6 experienced missionaries, and 8 first timers.  In 8 short days we explored our faith, shared our personal testimonies in a safe and loving community of faith.  For some of the team the challenges of Honduras will forever change their perspective on what being the hands, feet, and heart of Christ is all about.  The poverty the church in Choluteca is fighting is not a battle that can be won.  Frank reminded us that Christ said the poor will be with you always, but they don't have to live in misery.  The face of malnutrition, disease, and poverty when seen on TV is not the same as holding a child that is hungry, naked, or covered in sores.  The human condition in our fallen world is heartbreaking, and the church is the only hope that offers the peace that even in our poverty, He is with us always.  As much as the physical poverty in Honduras touches us, we were all struck by the strength of the people of Honduras and how much we have to learn from them. . . . . .

- John

Wendy Feamster has posted a beautiful video of slides from our trip at:


Reminiscing -

Reminiscing our trip leads to a flurry of memories that is a mixture of beauty blended with darkness.  But through it all, what shines through most clearly is God's mercy and amazing peace.  Knitted together is a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church who are forever bonded.  We've seen babies cry for healing, fathers ask for prayer, mothers rejoice in salvation, and brothers and sisters dance in jubilation.  We've seen each other dripping with sweat - many drops , we've seen each other dripping with tears - many drops, however - we've never let one another drop!   Day by day we held devotions and shared our personal testimony.  Day by day we broke down - bit by bit.  Yet, day by day -we built up, bit by bit.  We were strengthened by Our Lord and Savior, because He was lifting us and lightening our load when we knew not what was ahead of us.  He is always there, shining His light and clearing our path.  As the GCLA team (Pastor Geovany, Levi, Oscar, Frank, Luis, Rosa, Marcela, Nelsy, Ally, etc) so efficiently integrated and taught us how to embark on the mission - they set us on a path to experience the real Love of God.  They provided the opportunity for us to reach out our hand to help the least last and lost.  It was our honor and privilege to be able to serve with the GCLA team in Honduras, to build a house for the family and to evangelize in the villages along side the GCLA team.   We received so much more than we were able to give.  We were filled up spiritually.   The GCLA team were exceptional.    As I begin to resume life back in the States I just wonder.......
When I feel closest to God I am furthest from material comforts.   But He never leaves me.  So, who really moves away? 

- Lynette Dowler

Best week of my life!

Wow, what an incredible week in Choluteca, Honduras. I would say it was the best week of my life. I encourage everyone to go on a mission trip. Words and pictures don't describe what we saw and how the Holy Spirit worked in us all week. We had an awesome mission team. We were strangers when we left and great friends when we got home.
Among the extreme poverty I saw a lot of tears shed but I
also witnessed joy and laughter. The Holy Spirit worked overtime on our hearts. As we went out evangelizing ,people were so kind and inviting. They always wanted to visit with us and invite us into their homes.( Even when it was a house made of tin and a tarp.)We had so many wonderful conversations with families. The mothers we spoke to asked for prayers for health and job opportunities. Two of my favorite moments:
We met a mother & grandmother, Concepzione. she loved to play guitar and sing so she invited us in and sang the most beautiful songs to us. even though it was in spanish it made total sense to us. She invited Dave from our mission team to play her guitar and sing . It was so much fun to see her joy in playing for us and then watching Dave send the love right back to her. She gave us SO much even though she had nothing physically to give us.We visited her the next day and it was such a blessing. The Honduran people are so genuine and kind even when they are struggling to feed their families and protect them. I have to believe its their strong faith that allows them to be joyful in the midst of all their struggles. They lean on the Lord .
Another highlight for me was a grandfather we met in a village outside of Choluteca. He was such a gentle person. He was standing outside his home (which we wouldn't even call it a home) when we walked by. He invited us in and we had such a wonderful time with him. With the interpreters help we were able to talk with him. He really touched my heart. 
The local church is doing incredible work there. They are a true testament to what the church should look like. The are in the community feeding the needy and providing whatever comfort and care they can for the families and orphans all while sharing the Good News. We need to take a good look at how they serve God and duplicate it. Their love is limitless for the lost and lonely. I am so blessed to spend a week in Honduras and i cant wait to go back! The Holy Spirit has softened my heart through this experience.

Abundantly Blessed

Blessings from my week were abundant. I loved working side by side with Carlos,Edita, and Franklin Aguilar helping build a home for their neighbors. We built a home for them 2 years ago and seeing them doing so well and maintaining the home made me smile.  Carlos showed us a piece of paper he kept in his pocket. It had all of the names of our team who built his home.  He said he prays for us every day.  This brought tears to my eyes. 

We were all surprised when we returned to the house we were building for the Villalta family they had etched in the concrete  " siempre  Los recordaré mos hermanos" ...we will remember you always brothers.  Wow!  We will always remember you also. . . .

We spend only a short time in Honduras but our lives are impacted forever.  Sharing our time and love with the people of Honduras, sharing the Gospel and seeing their burdens in person touches you in ways you can never imagine. This is why I continue to go to Choluteca, new blessings every time. Everyone should go on a mission trip to experience God's abundant love!


 “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Ghandi

Last day

Went to beach and it was the most fun in ocean I have ever had. Was a great time relaxing and hanging out. It has the strongest current I have ever been immersed in. It was Gods tranquility at end of a great week of hard work! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and mercy.

Last day of work

I am not sure how to explain the day. Satisfaction? Relief? Contentment? Pride? The house is done so I guess all the feelings that go with completing an important task. I got to present the keys to the house to a family that worked harder than any of us. I could feel the love of God fall on me while I was talking. It made me cry but not out of sadness or pity, out of love the Father has for all his children. In spite of misery and pain he loves us. That is what the building is about.  It does serve a physical need but what it is really saying is I love my children so much that even as they are sinners I will provide a physical need for one and spiritual for others! That is a great God.

4th day of work

Worked half day today on house then went out into outskirts of choluteca to evangelize. It was really exciting to watch a teenager open up and lead discussion on salvation to complete strangers. It made my day and it is so awesome to see God work. Satan was all over us trying to distract all of us but she stood in there and fought to get her message delivered. Feels good to start cultivating relationships in Christ Jesus. Thank The Lord for the opportunity!

3rd day of work

I think it is amazing how God can minister to your heart without really knowing it is going on! Today we went into the community and evangelized. It was an awesome experience. My group talked with two families that were not sure of their salvation and what it really meant. By the time we left they were assured of their salvation. I got to pray for both families, which is what I really like. Something in me changed today but not sure what or how. I did not have that manifest presence encounter with God that I'm waiting for but he was certainly there. We will see what tomorrow brings, hopefully he will break my heart in a way I can never turn back!

2nd day of work

Day 4 found us in our second day of work on the house. Work was not as strenuous as yesterday but still hard none the less. The family we are building the house for can out work all of the team together. Alvaro is the father and he works mid nights as a security guard and works the hardest of anyone all day. It is an amazing work ethic that many workers in the our country need  more. There is a little girl in the family that is shy with me and for two days has avoided all my attempts to bond but I see her warming up to me. I am still waiting for that mind blowing, earth shattering encounter with the God of the universe. I certainly can not wait for it to transform me!
First day and God answered my first prayer. Forgot my sunglasses and poof Lynette Dowler brought a box full....praise God. I can already feel the emotions welling up in my soul just from watching presentation and hearing stories. God showed us the most complete and beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. You could see it from ground to ground. So it makes me wonder if it is a sign of more than the biblical promise? I think it is for me at least. I think he is saying to me: I am here to fulfill my purpose in you so hang on because this is what I have prepared in you since I opened the eyes of your heart! So to me I sit on the edge of the cliff God has led me. I feel him saying all you have to do is jump and I will shatter your life forever. Whatever you have that holds you back will be gone. God is great goodbye cliff!
The Mission Team in front of the church

Lauren and Lynette with children of Limon.
John 3:16 seemed to be our theme of the week; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  

Going out into the community and spreading God's message was one highlight from the trip.  The people of Honduras were very welcoming and excited to receive the good news that we had brought to them.  Some families knew God and believed in him while others knew of God but did not believe that they would have everlasting life.  Most of the families were extremely moved when they began to understand that in order to receive the gift of everlasting life, they need not do good deeds, rather they must believe in Him.

Day 2 - I Broke

I was ready to come home on Day 2. I had witnessed to much. The poverty is something I have never seen before in my life. I felt useless. I realized how ignorant I was to the world around me. I never realized how wealthy we are in the states. I was ashamed of the house we were going to build. Because it's not what I consider "normal" home or  meet any living standards I had in my mind.  I realized my "normal" was gone. I may never know normal again. I felt disgust for what I was seeing. I felt disgust for my ignorance. I just felt disgust. Day 3 came... I spent some time with Renya, the woman we were building the house for. She took me into her current home. Dirt floors. Dogs. Babies crying. She explained to me that her roof leaks in many places, so when it rains her home floods and becomes muddy. As I looked around, I started to see things from her point. The house we were going to build her was definitely an upgrade. Dirt floors are very unhealthy and unsanitary. As she spoke and shared her excitement with me, I started to get excited for her and her new home. I asked Frank a lot of questions. For example, you see trash all over. So my question was, why can't they even pick up their trash?? Answer: they have no centralized trash system. There is no place to put the trash. Nobody is going to come, pick it up and take it to the dump. We assume things. One may assume they just don't care. They choose to live that way. But the more questions I asked, the more I understood. I met amazing people in Honduras. A part of my heart will always be there. At this point I'm not sure what I will take away from this journey. I know I need to educate myself. To become more aware. I will always be haunted by the living conditions I see. Our animals in the states live better. I also have some very special memories. I would love to share all my stories but it would take up too much room on the blog. There is so much beauty there that's it's a contradiction in itself. I was swimming in the ocean with some of the kids in our group. For a moment I was just happy. I forgot all I had seen. I was just blessed to be sharing this moment with this kids who have become like a family to me. But, that moment was short lived. I look at my pictures. I smile. I cry. We need to be grateful. The only difference between us and the people we ministered to, is we were born here in the states. And we also need to try and step up because in my heart, I know, nobody should ever have to live in the conditions I have seen. It's so much easier to say they "choose" to live that way. But, if you stop and ask questions you'll see the truth, it's not a choice. People invited us into their homes. They shared their lives with us. They will sweep the dirt floor and fetch you chairs to sit in. Here in the states we would have had doors slammed in our faces, let alone be so welcomed. I want you to know there was many good things about this mission. Wonderful people. But, I think it is more important that we look at the living conditions because in my mind, they are unacceptable. So we can just sit back and say that's how they choose to live or we can educate ourselves and see what we can do as a nation to help. "He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God" Proverbs 14:31.