Elevate Church - Honduras Mission Blog

On June 16, 2013 a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Grand Commission Church to build a home and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Prayer

I've been praying for God to rid me of my selfishness, my pride , and my ego as I journey to honduras. His Word tells us to "die daily" and I know i will need to be reminded of that. I want to let down my walls and soak up everything God wants to teach me.  I am praying for our team to experience Gods presence and serve the honduran people with the love of Christ.  I am looking forward to the friendships we will make. I went to garage sales today to collect items to take with us.
I was reminded how blessed we are with excess here in the united states. Thank you LORD.

8 DAYS....

In 8 days we leave for Honduras!! I can't believe it's so close. I am so excited! I KNOW this will be life changing. We have a great group going that I'm excited to share this experience with. I am looking forward to meeting new people and leaning their stories. I hope and pray that in some way I can touch people. Put a smile on their face. Let them know they are not forgotten and they are loved. 7 days of just serving God. That's just amazing. I still don't know where I am going to fit everything. I have collected so many items for the kids. I can't wait to pass them all out, that should put a smile on their face :-) The one thing I wish is I had more room. I'd do w/out extra clothing if I could but I'm not too sure the group would appreciate that. Lol. I have a lot of nervous energy. I have never left the county, except Canada but since we live in Michigan that really doesn't count. I am scared. Especially of the heat. And it's a far way from home to be honest. I don't want to get sick or sunburn bc I want to experience everything I can in the 7 days I'm there. I just keep praying. God is probably really tired of hearing about Honduras :-) He must be thinking "there must be something else this girl can pray for".. This probably is the most "grown up" thing I have ever done in my life. I know I will be forever changed by this experience and I hope the people I come in contact with will be too!!