Well its been a few days since we got back and I am constantly thinking about those we met in Honduras. I really pray that each year we will have more people go on mission trips from elevate. It will change your life.... It will open your eyes , soften your heart, and encourage you to serve God in all you do. It's been the best medicine for my soul.
I want to share a little about our team. It was on my heart this morning:
John- our fearless leader. He always encouraged us to be ourselves and was always making us laugh.
Julie- a beautiful quietness about her. It was always obvious on the outside how happy she was on the inside to be in Honduras.
Tom- such a Godly man and hard worker. I loved seeing the young men from Gran Commission church working alongside him on the home. He is a great reflection of Gods love.
Betty- "nurse Betty" always concerned for the health of our team and the families we met. No one was worried about being sick because we knew nurse Betty would take good care of us. She has a heart of gold.
Lynette-an inspiration to watch evangelize. The love of Christ would just shine through her onto the people of Honduras. I was blessed to partner with her on several days as we went out into the community evangelizing. A great role model.
Jeff- a pillar of strength. He worked so hard(like the energizer bunny) and was always the first one to help others.
Cindy- "sandy " Cindy. always made us laugh. Her love for our interpreters was incredible. She was a "mom" to them.
Wendy- What a courageous young lady! Just recently gave her life to Christ and already went on a mission trip. Started out the week weeping for the families and left Honduras full of love for those same families.
Lauren- our mission team teacher. Always teaching the kids games. they loved her. Always holding onto them.
Rebekah- Always had kids hanging off her. it would never be just one, it was always 4 or 5. The kids swarmed to her. She could speak Spanish so they loved to talk with her.
Taylor- what a beautiful young lady with a heart as big as the sun. Leaped over her fear and evangelized like she had been doing it for years. Kept her eyes open for opportunities to love on people.
Dave- "guitar" Dave. I had the privilege of watching him share his testimony with a young man. No one could have touched this young mans heart like Dave did. Limped around all week with a boot on his foot because of a stress fracture and never once complained as we were walking on bumpy dirt roads. That never slowed him down. There was nothing left of his boot at the end of the week so that tells you how hard he worked.
Nick- a great "dad". shared stories about his kids and adopted the young ladies on our team. was a great role model, hard worker and always willing to share his faith
I pray that the next team heading out will have the wonderful experience we had. God was with us 24/7.