Among the extreme poverty I saw a lot of tears shed but I
also witnessed joy and laughter. The Holy Spirit worked overtime on our hearts. As we went out evangelizing ,people were so kind and inviting. They always wanted to visit with us and invite us into their homes.( Even when it was a house made of tin and a tarp.)We had so many wonderful conversations with families. The mothers we spoke to asked for prayers for health and job opportunities. Two of my favorite moments:
We met a mother & grandmother, Concepzione. she loved to play guitar and sing so she invited us in and sang the most beautiful songs to us. even though it was in spanish it made total sense to us. She invited Dave from our mission team to play her guitar and sing . It was so much fun to see her joy in playing for us and then watching Dave send the love right back to her. She gave us SO much even though she had nothing physically to give us.We visited her the next day and it was such a blessing. The Honduran people are so genuine and kind even when they are struggling to feed their families and protect them. I have to believe its their strong faith that allows them to be joyful in the midst of all their struggles. They lean on the Lord .
Another highlight for me was a grandfather we met in a village outside of Choluteca. He was such a gentle person. He was standing outside his home (which we wouldn't even call it a home) when we walked by. He invited us in and we had such a wonderful time with him. With the interpreters help we were able to talk with him. He really touched my heart.
The local church is doing incredible work there. They are a true testament to what the church should look like. The are in the community feeding the needy and providing whatever comfort and care they can for the families and orphans all while sharing the Good News. We need to take a good look at how they serve God and duplicate it. Their love is limitless for the lost and lonely. I am so blessed to spend a week in Honduras and i cant wait to go back! The Holy Spirit has softened my heart through this experience.
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