Elevate Church - Honduras Mission Blog

On June 16, 2013 a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Grand Commission Church to build a home and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reminiscing -

Reminiscing our trip leads to a flurry of memories that is a mixture of beauty blended with darkness.  But through it all, what shines through most clearly is God's mercy and amazing peace.  Knitted together is a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church who are forever bonded.  We've seen babies cry for healing, fathers ask for prayer, mothers rejoice in salvation, and brothers and sisters dance in jubilation.  We've seen each other dripping with sweat - many drops , we've seen each other dripping with tears - many drops, however - we've never let one another drop!   Day by day we held devotions and shared our personal testimony.  Day by day we broke down - bit by bit.  Yet, day by day -we built up, bit by bit.  We were strengthened by Our Lord and Savior, because He was lifting us and lightening our load when we knew not what was ahead of us.  He is always there, shining His light and clearing our path.  As the GCLA team (Pastor Geovany, Levi, Oscar, Frank, Luis, Rosa, Marcela, Nelsy, Ally, etc) so efficiently integrated and taught us how to embark on the mission - they set us on a path to experience the real Love of God.  They provided the opportunity for us to reach out our hand to help the least last and lost.  It was our honor and privilege to be able to serve with the GCLA team in Honduras, to build a house for the family and to evangelize in the villages along side the GCLA team.   We received so much more than we were able to give.  We were filled up spiritually.   The GCLA team were exceptional.    As I begin to resume life back in the States I just wonder.......
When I feel closest to God I am furthest from material comforts.   But He never leaves me.  So, who really moves away? 

- Lynette Dowler

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