Well its been a few days since we got back and I am constantly thinking about those we met in Honduras. I really pray that each year we will have more people go on mission trips from elevate. It will change your life.... It will open your eyes , soften your heart, and encourage you to serve God in all you do. It's been the best medicine for my soul.
I want to share a little about our team. It was on my heart this morning:
John- our fearless leader. He always encouraged us to be ourselves and was always making us laugh.
Julie- a beautiful quietness about her. It was always obvious on the outside how happy she was on the inside to be in Honduras.
Tom- such a Godly man and hard worker. I loved seeing the young men from Gran Commission church working alongside him on the home. He is a great reflection of Gods love.
Betty- "nurse Betty" always concerned for the health of our team and the families we met. No one was worried about being sick because we knew nurse Betty would take good care of us. She has a heart of gold.
Lynette-an inspiration to watch evangelize. The love of Christ would just shine through her onto the people of Honduras. I was blessed to partner with her on several days as we went out into the community evangelizing. A great role model.
Jeff- a pillar of strength. He worked so hard(like the energizer bunny) and was always the first one to help others.
Cindy- "sandy " Cindy. always made us laugh. Her love for our interpreters was incredible. She was a "mom" to them.
Wendy- What a courageous young lady! Just recently gave her life to Christ and already went on a mission trip. Started out the week weeping for the families and left Honduras full of love for those same families.
Lauren- our mission team teacher. Always teaching the kids games. they loved her. Always holding onto them.
Rebekah- Always had kids hanging off her. it would never be just one, it was always 4 or 5. The kids swarmed to her. She could speak Spanish so they loved to talk with her.
Taylor- what a beautiful young lady with a heart as big as the sun. Leaped over her fear and evangelized like she had been doing it for years. Kept her eyes open for opportunities to love on people.
Dave- "guitar" Dave. I had the privilege of watching him share his testimony with a young man. No one could have touched this young mans heart like Dave did. Limped around all week with a boot on his foot because of a stress fracture and never once complained as we were walking on bumpy dirt roads. That never slowed him down. There was nothing left of his boot at the end of the week so that tells you how hard he worked.
Nick- a great "dad". shared stories about his kids and adopted the young ladies on our team. was a great role model, hard worker and always willing to share his faith
I pray that the next team heading out will have the wonderful experience we had. God was with us 24/7.
Elevate Church - Honduras Mission Blog
On June 16, 2013 a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Grand Commission Church to build a home and share the Gospel. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.
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Saturday, June 29, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Life Altering Trip
This trip not only opened my eyes to the world as to how it is outside of the U.S. and my bubble here in Monroe, but it has made an impact on my life that I will never forget.
All week I made cement and hand mixed it for the house. Even through the heat and tiredness I absolutely loved every minute of it. The number on thing that I remember from this week was walking into the area where they treat the malnourished children and feeling completely alone in the room and feeling God calling me there. The children absolutely took my heart. I still hear them calling my name and can see them when I close my eyes. I saved a few things I typed each night so here they are I did not have a lot for every day but the main things that hit me.
Honduras Day 1.
Today we met at the church at 3am. All packed and ready to head off to the airport. I was excited to leave but it still hadn't hit me that I was about to be in a completely different country. We landed in Atlanta and then boarded our flight for Honduras. The landing into Tegucigalpa. Was a little rough but I was just excited to get off the plane and stand up. Once we went through customs and were allowed to enter the country we met the people who live here and are going to be with us the whole week. I was amazed when they took us to a mall to get lunch, it's at least 10 times bigger than our mall in Monroe and bigger than the one in Toledo. Seeing so many people in the food court was insane I soon knew that we were the minority and felt the eyes on me. It still hadn't hit me that we were actually here. We then loaded the bus and began our 3 hour bus ride ( that was much longer than that due to some issues with the bus ) I soon realized where they meant be flexible comes into play with this. Driving through the villages seeing the houses made out of tin and tarp honestly just made my jaw drop. People in the US complain if they don't have dishwashers or big closets when these people don't have windows and are living with garbage all over. I instantly became extremely grateful for my home and everything I have back home, when I don't even deserve half of the things I have and these families are living in conditions like this. The highlight of my day was at the pit stop we made to use the restroom but as you walk to the restroom you pretty much go through a restaurant and then a zoo. We got to walk around and they had so many different animals just in cages in the back of this restaurant it was the most bizarre thing I think I have ever seen. We even had a tractor ride pulling us on what looked like a ski lift chair for a ride around the zoo. My comment was "wow we could never do something like this in the US!" And quickly was followed by John saying "because in the US this would be illegal." The only thing I will need to get use to is that when people drive here there are really no rules so you have semi trucks flying past you while another semi is heading right towards them and us (this did freak me out every time it happened on our bus ride)
This country is so beautiful the mountains surround you with small shacks as homes with children running around with animals. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to be here its still surreal but I can't wait to meet the people in this town and begin to show the love of God to them.
Today was our first full day here. The heat is like nothing I have ever experienced before I was dripping in sweat and always wanting water. We went to the small town where the church has their land and has the nutrition building for the malnourished children. Hearing how bad some of these children are is heart breaking. It kills me to see these kids knowing they barley get any food and have to live in houses that are tin and tarp. They greeted you with hola and hugs, all of them gave you hugs and either put their arm around you or they grabbed onto your leg and a lot of times they would just want to hold your hand. I can't explain how precious these children are. One little girl pulled me by the hand to go play with her and push her on the swing while asking to see my camera and take pictures ( they love cameras! ) after we were at the church grounds for awhile we headed back to the mission house to have lunch after that we walked around the mission house property and bought some crafts that the people living here make, and also toured where they make their coffee. The highlight of my day came next, we went to the orphanage where they currently have 6 small children who lost their mother/father to HIV or AIDS. They were the most precious children I have ever been around. All they wanted to do was play so Taylor, Lauren and I all thought of games we could playwith them. We played tag, duck duck goose which we called ( no, no, si ) Since we didn't know how to say duck or goose and then freeze tag. To see them running and laughing like they were an hugging you melted my heart because even with them living in the situation that they are in they are so joyful. It puts so much into perspective for me and my life back home. There are children dying of malnutrition here and can't get the things they need and back home people get mad if they put pickles on a sandwich and we asked for none. These children don't even get meals. As some of the leaders were talking they were saying how they hope to have a doctor who can work there to help give medicine and diagnose the Children and I don't know why but I feel as though God is wanting me to do something about it. Almost as though I would like to try and get my RN degree and try to come here to give medical attention to these Children. I want to take them back to the US where they wouldn't have to worry about this and could get amazing medical attention there. I don't know what else God may say to me in these next days but hopefully it will make what I feel right now more clear. I am beyond grateful for what god has blessed me with back home and I feel shameful for not being so grateful before this. After the orphanage we came back to the mission home and unpacked all the things we brought to donate. We picked out clothes for the children in the orphanage to use and toys and anything else we could find. There was one of the older girls from there who came and we helped her pick out clothes and shows for herself and her brother. After that a rainbow appeared over the mission home it was the most beautiful things I've seen in awhile, just showing that God sees what we're doing and I hop he is pleased. My heart is breaking just laying here in bed thinking about all the children out here who don't even have a place to sleep tonight or are missing their parents it's honestly heart breaking. God has opened my eyes to so many things today that I never thought I would witness in my life and I know now why because he is calling me to do something about it.
today was our last day at the house and seeing the children. As I lay here my heart just keeps breaking thinking about all those children. Each of them have stolen my heart especially my little boy who lives with the family. I just want to bring him home with me. I just keep thinking about having to go home and absolutely nothing in me wants to go back. All i want to do is stay here. These people have changed my life and have given me the opportunity to follow what God had planned for me and now I can see the plan he has for me and can't wait to see how he continues to use me.
Today we went to the beach it was gorgeous, and it was great to spend one more day with Nelsy I am going to miss her so much!
All week I made cement and hand mixed it for the house. Even through the heat and tiredness I absolutely loved every minute of it. The number on thing that I remember from this week was walking into the area where they treat the malnourished children and feeling completely alone in the room and feeling God calling me there. The children absolutely took my heart. I still hear them calling my name and can see them when I close my eyes. I saved a few things I typed each night so here they are I did not have a lot for every day but the main things that hit me.
Honduras Day 1.
Today we met at the church at 3am. All packed and ready to head off to the airport. I was excited to leave but it still hadn't hit me that I was about to be in a completely different country. We landed in Atlanta and then boarded our flight for Honduras. The landing into Tegucigalpa. Was a little rough but I was just excited to get off the plane and stand up. Once we went through customs and were allowed to enter the country we met the people who live here and are going to be with us the whole week. I was amazed when they took us to a mall to get lunch, it's at least 10 times bigger than our mall in Monroe and bigger than the one in Toledo. Seeing so many people in the food court was insane I soon knew that we were the minority and felt the eyes on me. It still hadn't hit me that we were actually here. We then loaded the bus and began our 3 hour bus ride ( that was much longer than that due to some issues with the bus ) I soon realized where they meant be flexible comes into play with this. Driving through the villages seeing the houses made out of tin and tarp honestly just made my jaw drop. People in the US complain if they don't have dishwashers or big closets when these people don't have windows and are living with garbage all over. I instantly became extremely grateful for my home and everything I have back home, when I don't even deserve half of the things I have and these families are living in conditions like this. The highlight of my day was at the pit stop we made to use the restroom but as you walk to the restroom you pretty much go through a restaurant and then a zoo. We got to walk around and they had so many different animals just in cages in the back of this restaurant it was the most bizarre thing I think I have ever seen. We even had a tractor ride pulling us on what looked like a ski lift chair for a ride around the zoo. My comment was "wow we could never do something like this in the US!" And quickly was followed by John saying "because in the US this would be illegal." The only thing I will need to get use to is that when people drive here there are really no rules so you have semi trucks flying past you while another semi is heading right towards them and us (this did freak me out every time it happened on our bus ride)
This country is so beautiful the mountains surround you with small shacks as homes with children running around with animals. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to be here its still surreal but I can't wait to meet the people in this town and begin to show the love of God to them.
Today was our first full day here. The heat is like nothing I have ever experienced before I was dripping in sweat and always wanting water. We went to the small town where the church has their land and has the nutrition building for the malnourished children. Hearing how bad some of these children are is heart breaking. It kills me to see these kids knowing they barley get any food and have to live in houses that are tin and tarp. They greeted you with hola and hugs, all of them gave you hugs and either put their arm around you or they grabbed onto your leg and a lot of times they would just want to hold your hand. I can't explain how precious these children are. One little girl pulled me by the hand to go play with her and push her on the swing while asking to see my camera and take pictures ( they love cameras! ) after we were at the church grounds for awhile we headed back to the mission house to have lunch after that we walked around the mission house property and bought some crafts that the people living here make, and also toured where they make their coffee. The highlight of my day came next, we went to the orphanage where they currently have 6 small children who lost their mother/father to HIV or AIDS. They were the most precious children I have ever been around. All they wanted to do was play so Taylor, Lauren and I all thought of games we could playwith them. We played tag, duck duck goose which we called ( no, no, si ) Since we didn't know how to say duck or goose and then freeze tag. To see them running and laughing like they were an hugging you melted my heart because even with them living in the situation that they are in they are so joyful. It puts so much into perspective for me and my life back home. There are children dying of malnutrition here and can't get the things they need and back home people get mad if they put pickles on a sandwich and we asked for none. These children don't even get meals. As some of the leaders were talking they were saying how they hope to have a doctor who can work there to help give medicine and diagnose the Children and I don't know why but I feel as though God is wanting me to do something about it. Almost as though I would like to try and get my RN degree and try to come here to give medical attention to these Children. I want to take them back to the US where they wouldn't have to worry about this and could get amazing medical attention there. I don't know what else God may say to me in these next days but hopefully it will make what I feel right now more clear. I am beyond grateful for what god has blessed me with back home and I feel shameful for not being so grateful before this. After the orphanage we came back to the mission home and unpacked all the things we brought to donate. We picked out clothes for the children in the orphanage to use and toys and anything else we could find. There was one of the older girls from there who came and we helped her pick out clothes and shows for herself and her brother. After that a rainbow appeared over the mission home it was the most beautiful things I've seen in awhile, just showing that God sees what we're doing and I hop he is pleased. My heart is breaking just laying here in bed thinking about all the children out here who don't even have a place to sleep tonight or are missing their parents it's honestly heart breaking. God has opened my eyes to so many things today that I never thought I would witness in my life and I know now why because he is calling me to do something about it.
today was our last day at the house and seeing the children. As I lay here my heart just keeps breaking thinking about all those children. Each of them have stolen my heart especially my little boy who lives with the family. I just want to bring him home with me. I just keep thinking about having to go home and absolutely nothing in me wants to go back. All i want to do is stay here. These people have changed my life and have given me the opportunity to follow what God had planned for me and now I can see the plan he has for me and can't wait to see how he continues to use me.
Today we went to the beach it was gorgeous, and it was great to spend one more day with Nelsy I am going to miss her so much!
the children while evangelizing |
Nelsy and I on the beach |
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Another Trip to Remember
Sunrise over the Mission House in Choluteca, Honduras is a beautiful site. The country is both breathtaking and heartbreaking all rolled together. This was my 4th trip to Honduras, and every trip is as unique as the people you grow to love in just 8 short days. Our team ranged in age from 18 to 69 with 5 men and 9 women. We had 6 experienced missionaries, and 8 first timers. In 8 short days we explored our faith, shared our personal testimonies in a safe and loving community of faith. For some of the team the challenges of Honduras will forever change their perspective on what being the hands, feet, and heart of Christ is all about. The poverty the church in Choluteca is fighting is not a battle that can be won. Frank reminded us that Christ said the poor will be with you always, but they don't have to live in misery. The face of malnutrition, disease, and poverty when seen on TV is not the same as holding a child that is hungry, naked, or covered in sores. The human condition in our fallen world is heartbreaking, and the church is the only hope that offers the peace that even in our poverty, He is with us always. As much as the physical poverty in Honduras touches us, we were all struck by the strength of the people of Honduras and how much we have to learn from them. . . . . .
- John
Wendy Feamster has posted a beautiful video of slides from our trip at:
- John
Wendy Feamster has posted a beautiful video of slides from our trip at:
Reminiscing -
Reminiscing our trip leads to a flurry of memories that is a mixture of beauty blended with darkness. But through it all, what shines through most clearly is God's mercy and amazing peace. Knitted together is a team of 14 missionaries from Elevate Church who are forever bonded. We've seen babies cry for healing, fathers ask for prayer, mothers rejoice in salvation, and brothers and sisters dance in jubilation. We've seen each other dripping with sweat - many drops , we've seen each other dripping with tears - many drops, however - we've never let one another drop! Day by day we held devotions and shared our personal testimony. Day by day we broke down - bit by bit. Yet, day by day -we built up, bit by bit. We were strengthened by Our Lord and Savior, because He was lifting us and lightening our load when we knew not what was ahead of us. He is always there, shining His light and clearing our path. As the GCLA team (Pastor Geovany, Levi, Oscar, Frank, Luis, Rosa, Marcela, Nelsy, Ally, etc) so efficiently integrated and taught us how to embark on the mission - they set us on a path to experience the real Love of God. They provided the opportunity for us to reach out our hand to help the least last and lost. It was our honor and privilege to be able to serve with the GCLA team in Honduras, to build a house for the family and to evangelize in the villages along side the GCLA team. We received so much more than we were able to give. We were filled up spiritually. The GCLA team were exceptional. As I begin to resume life back in the States I just wonder.......
When I feel closest to God I am furthest from material comforts. But He never leaves me. So, who really moves away?
- Lynette Dowler
Best week of my life!

Among the extreme poverty I saw a lot of tears shed but I
also witnessed joy and laughter. The Holy Spirit worked overtime on our hearts. As we went out evangelizing ,people were so kind and inviting. They always wanted to visit with us and invite us into their homes.( Even when it was a house made of tin and a tarp.)We had so many wonderful conversations with families. The mothers we spoke to asked for prayers for health and job opportunities. Two of my favorite moments:
We met a mother & grandmother, Concepzione. she loved to play guitar and sing so she invited us in and sang the most beautiful songs to us. even though it was in spanish it made total sense to us. She invited Dave from our mission team to play her guitar and sing . It was so much fun to see her joy in playing for us and then watching Dave send the love right back to her. She gave us SO much even though she had nothing physically to give us.We visited her the next day and it was such a blessing. The Honduran people are so genuine and kind even when they are struggling to feed their families and protect them. I have to believe its their strong faith that allows them to be joyful in the midst of all their struggles. They lean on the Lord .
Another highlight for me was a grandfather we met in a village outside of Choluteca. He was such a gentle person. He was standing outside his home (which we wouldn't even call it a home) when we walked by. He invited us in and we had such a wonderful time with him. With the interpreters help we were able to talk with him. He really touched my heart.
The local church is doing incredible work there. They are a true testament to what the church should look like. The are in the community feeding the needy and providing whatever comfort and care they can for the families and orphans all while sharing the Good News. We need to take a good look at how they serve God and duplicate it. Their love is limitless for the lost and lonely. I am so blessed to spend a week in Honduras and i cant wait to go back! The Holy Spirit has softened my heart through this experience.
Abundantly Blessed
from my week were abundant. I loved working side by side with Carlos,Edita, and
Franklin Aguilar helping build a home for their neighbors. We built a home for
them 2 years ago and seeing them doing so well and maintaining the home made me
smile. Carlos showed us a piece of paper he kept in his pocket. It had
all of the names of our team who built his home. He said he prays for us
every day. This brought tears to my eyes.
were all surprised when we returned to the house we were building for the
Villalta family they had etched in the concrete " siempre Los
recordarƩ mos hermanos" ...we will remember you always brothers.
Wow! We will always remember you also. . . .
spend only a short time in Honduras but our lives are impacted forever.
Sharing our time and love with the people of Honduras, sharing the Gospel
and seeing their burdens in person touches you in ways you can never imagine.
This is why I continue to go to Choluteca, new blessings every time. Everyone
should go on a mission trip to experience God's abundant love!
best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Ghandi
Last day
Last day of work
4th day of work
Worked half day today on house then went out into outskirts of choluteca to evangelize. It was really exciting to watch a teenager open up and lead discussion on salvation to complete strangers. It made my day and it is so awesome to see God work. Satan was all over us trying to distract all of us but she stood in there and fought to get her message delivered. Feels good to start cultivating relationships in Christ Jesus. Thank The Lord for the opportunity!
3rd day of work
I think it is amazing how God can minister to your heart without really knowing it is going on! Today we went into the community and evangelized. It was an awesome experience. My group talked with two families that were not sure of their salvation and what it really meant. By the time we left they were assured of their salvation. I got to pray for both families, which is what I really like. Something in me changed today but not sure what or how. I did not have that manifest presence encounter with God that I'm waiting for but he was certainly there. We will see what tomorrow brings, hopefully he will break my heart in a way I can never turn back!
2nd day of work
Day 4 found us in our second day of work on the house. Work was not as strenuous as yesterday but still hard none the less. The family we are building the house for can out work all of the team together. Alvaro is the father and he works mid nights as a security guard and works the hardest of anyone all day. It is an amazing work ethic that many workers in the our country need more. There is a little girl in the family that is shy with me and for two days has avoided all my attempts to bond but I see her warming up to me. I am still waiting for that mind blowing, earth shattering encounter with the God of the universe. I certainly can not wait for it to transform me!
First day and God answered my first prayer. Forgot my sunglasses and poof Lynette Dowler brought a box full....praise God. I can already feel the emotions welling up in my soul just from watching presentation and hearing stories. God showed us the most complete and beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. You could see it from ground to ground. So it makes me wonder if it is a sign of more than the biblical promise? I think it is for me at least. I think he is saying to me: I am here to fulfill my purpose in you so hang on because this is what I have prepared in you since I opened the eyes of your heart! So to me I sit on the edge of the cliff God has led me. I feel him saying all you have to do is jump and I will shatter your life forever. Whatever you have that holds you back will be gone. God is great goodbye cliff!
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The Mission Team in front of the church |
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Lauren and Lynette with children of Limon. |
Going out into the community and spreading God's message was one highlight from the trip. The people of Honduras were very welcoming and excited to receive the good news that we had brought to them. Some families knew God and believed in him while others knew of God but did not believe that they would have everlasting life. Most of the families were extremely moved when they began to understand that in order to receive the gift of everlasting life, they need not do good deeds, rather they must believe in Him.
Day 2 - I Broke
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Today is Saturday. The sun is not too bad today as we finish the home with Walls and paint. 16x20 is the size. The community is coming out in forcĆ© to help and watch and encourage. There are many children around to - entertain us - or be entertained. Each person on our team serves this misiĆ³n in their own special way, and this is a Mighty time for each of us. Taylor, Lauren, and Rebekkah, (no.s 4'5'6) are the 3 Musketeers! Nick Jeff Dave Tom and John are our foundation here to keep us all going and the Project moving forward. IF anyone deserves a trip to Blue Water when we get home it´s the guys! As for Julie Wendy Betty Kathy Cindy and I - we all are a team, in and among the rest. The 14 of us are all learning and growing and seeking God in our own individual way. We all are growing together as friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. Evangelizing in the neighborhoods is a blessing that few take the time to do together back home. And seeing the power of the Holy Spirit work with our team this week has been beautiful. The week is ending so quickly but it is ALL GOOD!
Friday, June 21, 2013
We now have internet access at the mission house. The team has been keeping their journal and you should start seeing posts over the next few days, or after they return home on Monday. It has been a real good trip. The team has a heart for both physical activity and sharing the Gospel. The picture shown hear was at the beginning of the our second day on the job site (Wednesday) as we started to add the roof structure to the home. Those of us returning to Honduras have rekindled old friendships and our first timers have all fallen in love with the people of Honduras. I'm sure you will hear their stories in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for you continued prayers we have felt your presence every day during our morning devotions and reading our mail from home
John and Julie Huie
John and Julie Huie
Monday, June 17, 2013
It is our first oficial day on the misiĆ³n field. We are blessed by amazing people surrounding us and God has so much in store for us this week. The children are beautiful and the work ahead is nothing compared to the blessings that abound. We are ovewhemed in many ways. So many have helped to support us and we are mightily thankful. The surroundings are beautiful but also there are challenges here that must be overcome. We dont have wifi in our Ć”rea so this may be a blog that is few and far between. We have great flights and the people here are amazing and treat us so very very well. Frank and Emily joined us last night for dinner which was terrific. Of course the team is a delight to be with in every way. We are breaking and building up already and we´ve only just begun. John is a stong and holy man and great leader for us. He has great patience and is steady and also has a great sense of humor. We are knitted together as a team and are just ready ready ready for anything and everything. Praise Him for all!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Tick... Tock... The countdown has begun!!
My hopes and dreams for this mission trip.... Well, the dream part has happened, I am going on my first mission trip. My hopes.... I hope I can be God's hands and feet for the week. I love to serve. But, I have never been out of the country so I am a little nervous. I want to touch people. I want them to know they are loved. I want to make some connections. I want there to be people who will always remember me because I had the opportunity to touch them is some way. I want God to bless me with the right things to say so I will make a difference. I want to work with my hands building this family their new home. Can you image the fulfillment of handing them their key?? I think of the memories that will be made in that home. I want to be humbled. I want to put a smile on a child's face. Words are so powerful. You can say something and never know what an impact that had on someone. When I was young I hated my smile. I always covered it up with my hand. A group of us friends were sitting around and a young man pulled my hand down. He said I had a pretty smile. He never knew the impact his words had on me. I never covered it up again. That's what I want. I want my words to bring joy, pride, respect and so much more to the people we will be serving. I am afraid. Afraid to see poverty I never seen before. Afraid to be emotional. Afraid to make those connections and then have to leave.... But no matter what, we are doing God's work. We are his hands and feet. We WILL make a difference! I want to be remembered. Not because I think I'm special. Not because I think I'm all that. But because I did make a difference in someone's life. And, I'm also very excited to spend time with our group. We have such a great team. I have been blessed. This is something I would watch Joyce do on TV and I'd always think, kinda sad because it's something I'd never be able to do... And thanks to Elevate, my family, my church family and my friends, I am doing it!! I have been praying so long for our journey. And, I am calm. And I am not a calm person :-) But I think God has sent the Holy Spirit to me especially for this journey. I want the people we will be working with to know they are loved. Not forgotten. And that God loves them too. I am nervous bc I can't quote scripture. The bible is new to me. The church is new to me. But I do know about love, compassion, faith and respect. John is probably wishing right now he hadn't mentioned us posting our hopes and dreams for this mission bc I type like I talk, a lot :-) Lol. May God be with us all!!
Following tonight's Saturday evening service we packed our 2 trucks for the early morning departure. Our team of 14 is very excited about all the awaits us in Honduras. We will be building a home for a family of 9 that are currently living in a make shift house of tin, cardboard, and tarps with a dirt floor. If anyone can't sleep tonight (we have to be at the church at 3:00 AM, so no one is getting much sleep) please take some time to share your hopes, fears, and dreams for this trip. Regardless of what you are anticipating, God has so much more in store for you. . . . . . (add your comments to this entry)
Friday, June 14, 2013
All packed!
Well I just finished packing everything! (after rearranging everything at least ten times!) It didn't hit me until tonight when I sat and looked at everything packed and ready to go. I think I have probably been through every emotion today about going from being excited to being scared. I am can't wait to get to know everyone in our group better and create friendships with everyone. I can't believe how fast this all is happening it honestly seems like only a week ago when I heard about this mission trip and felt God tell me that this is what I needed to do, and now we leave in one day! I am excited to see what God has to show me and how my life is going to be affected because of this trip. I will see you all tomorrow night at church and as we load our bags to get ready for the airport!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Sunday we leave!!
Well, it's finally here. Sunday we leave. I probably won't sleep much in the last few nights due to excitement and nerves :-) With Elevate we are always on mission in Monroe County so this will be my first mission out of the country. I have so many emotions right now. I look forward to letting God lead me and our team. I look forward to getting to know the people of the community in which we will be serving. The one thing I know for sure is this will be life changing in so many ways, I hope for our group and the people of the community. It takes you so far out of your comfort zone but that is needed to grow. And once I was told if something doesn't grow it's not healthy and I believe that. I am excited for all the supplies we have and also for the "goodies" I have for the children. We are making a gift bag for the family we will be building a house for and it has a lot of person hygiene items in it and other stuff. I pray that God will bless our team and our mission. I am a little scared because I am so new to church and the bible. I hope I can still bless the people even though I lack knowledge. I do know about respect, love and compassion so that should work in my favor. Plus I love serving others. I get so much joy from it. So, please keep our team in your prayers.
I can honestly say I never thought God would put me in this position to go on a missions trip. I have always loved the comfort of having people I'm familiar with around me and staying close to home inside my own bubble. Obviously God doesn't work that way! I thank God for instilling this in my heart to go to Honduras, even though I don't know what He has in store. I've been trying to do a "deep-clean" of myself before I go on this trip, trying not to carry any garbage with me! It has definitely put me in a better mindset to let go of my own desires and cling to His. Music has always been a huge part of my life and lately God has laid a song on my heart and it's my prayer as I leave on Sunday morning: "Where you go, I'll go. Where you stay, I'll stay. When you move, I'll move. If this life I lose, I will follow you." Cannot wait to see what God is going to do! 4 MORE DAYS!!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
getting excited and getting ready
Well, its Tuesday afternoon and we leave early Sunday morning. I have my malaria meds and an antibiotic. I am nervous, scared, but most of all excited about going to a foreign land and doing the Lord's work. I keep thinking about the Apostle Paul and all of his missionary journeys. I think about how scared he must have been before he left on each journey. I also think though about the amount of faith that he had is our Lord Jesus Christ in whom he trusted his life to. Im sure Paul was scared but he knew the Father would carry out His will. I am trying to create the same mindset : "I have heard your call to go to Honduras, Father. I will serve you by serving the people of Honduras. I pray for a successful mission trip but most of all, I pray that your will and not my own be done!"
Monday, June 10, 2013
Inside a week
Thinking back to last years trip I can't help thinking about how it affected me. It was amazing and God really moved my spirit. As I was preparing for the trip I heard God speak to me clearly. He said if you do not hold back this year it will be mind, body, and soul altering. Made me think back to how I held back. Well he is right, when my emotions well up I alway try to maintain control. I can't always control but I do remember controlling my emotions on several occasions. So this year when I feel those emotions coming I am really going to try and let them happen and pray god will change my life for his purpose. So it is a warning that I may cry...lol.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
All packed up and ready to go
Our team gathered together today and packed 14 suitcases with donations for our trip to Choluteca. We have school supplies for the children of Limon, clothes for children from newborn to teenagers, multiple pairs of shoes, diapers and Spanish bibles Everyone is so excited and can't wait to get up at 2:30 AM on Father's Day Sunday to head to the airport.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
My Prayer
I've been praying for God to rid me of my selfishness, my pride , and my ego as I journey to honduras. His Word tells us to "die daily" and I know i will need to be reminded of that. I want to let down my walls and soak up everything God wants to teach me. I am praying for our team to experience Gods presence and serve the honduran people with the love of Christ. I am looking forward to the friendships we will make. I went to garage sales today to collect items to take with us.
I was reminded how blessed we are with excess here in the united states. Thank you LORD.
I was reminded how blessed we are with excess here in the united states. Thank you LORD.
8 DAYS....
In 8 days we leave for Honduras!! I can't believe it's so close. I am so excited! I KNOW this will be life changing. We have a great group going that I'm excited to share this experience with. I am looking forward to meeting new people and leaning their stories. I hope and pray that in some way I can touch people. Put a smile on their face. Let them know they are not forgotten and they are loved. 7 days of just serving God. That's just amazing. I still don't know where I am going to fit everything. I have collected so many items for the kids. I can't wait to pass them all out, that should put a smile on their face :-) The one thing I wish is I had more room. I'd do w/out extra clothing if I could but I'm not too sure the group would appreciate that. Lol. I have a lot of nervous energy. I have never left the county, except Canada but since we live in Michigan that really doesn't count. I am scared. Especially of the heat. And it's a far way from home to be honest. I don't want to get sick or sunburn bc I want to experience everything I can in the 7 days I'm there. I just keep praying. God is probably really tired of hearing about Honduras :-) He must be thinking "there must be something else this girl can pray for".. This probably is the most "grown up" thing I have ever done in my life. I know I will be forever changed by this experience and I hope the people I come in contact with will be too!!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
A Church Distributed
Pastor Adam presented us with the idea of being a church distributed last night. I think sending our mission team to honduras is a good place to start with this new idea. We dont necessarily need walls to be Elevate Church in Honduras. Our team can present the Good News and love of Christ to the locals in our actions and words.
It's coming soon!!
In two weeks we will leave for Honduras. I am sooooo excited! I'm almost done packing. I have lots of goodies for the kids. I am also a little scared. It's going to take me way out of my comfort zone. But, you need to be stretched in order to grow. I am sure God will send the Holy Spirit to make our way for us. I have wore myself out preparing for the trip. I organized 8 trash bags of baby clothes... Then organized them again... Lol. I packed and then found a new carry on so I repacked. I have so many goodies for the kids I may have to take out some clothing :-) I have been blessed with great people on "Team Elevate". My goal for the trip is just to make people smile and remind them how important each and everyone them is. For a month I have ate, sleep and focused on this mission trip and now it's really almost time!! I know God will be with us and will lead us through this journey.
My 1st mission trip!
I"m feeling so blessed and excited to be heading to choluteca, honduras in 2 weeks. I know it is all in Gods timing. I had been wanting to do this for a long time and God put me in a position to say yes to Him this year. I have no idea what to expect. I am just going with an open heart and letting it get filled up with Gods love in honduras. We are to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth so honduras can be my small start at fulfilling the great commision.
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